Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Rainy Day

It was raining this morning. How beautiful! Here's an Amelie moment for you- when you look up into the sky when its raining, and is just cloudy enough for you to not be able to see the rain at all. You can only feel it- you can't see it. I have been extremely productive recently. I am not sure why- but I am enjoying it! Although a major drawback is staying up until 2am because I keep working... But nevertheless I am very happy to be productive.

Nothing out of the ordniary happened this week, and yet I have had an extra-ordinary "high on life" kinda feeling for the past few days. I am not going to jinx it either- but it is quite unexpectedly pleasant. I like that word, pleasant. I use it a lot. I think because it refers to a joy that is no exuberant, or excited and full of energy, but rather enjoyable and relaxed and calm. Too often people feel that they must be full of energy, bouncing off the walls, or grinning from ear to ear in order to claim the term "happiness". I guess thats why I enjoy pleasant. Hmm. I like being able to randomly talk about things that either don't matter, or do but get lost in the hustle of the day. Its refreshing. And although it may seem extremely artsy, or uber intellectual, I don't care, because you know that these reasons are furthest from my actual motivation.

and that's nice...


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